Today I had a very special opportunity to meet and listen to one of Sheffield’s inspirational characters - ‘Big Ant’ as he is known, is a man who grew up in a deprived part of Sheffield (near where I grew up!), embroiled in violence and crime in his teenage years, he decided to take a different path for himself, go to University, surprisingly to discover his dyslexia, and in typical style go on to write a book!
…and go on to dedicate himself to creating a positive difference through his creative expression… which has now become a registered charity.
Here’s a recording of our chat, I hope it gives you a glimpse into Ant’s story and vision for his future creating a huge difference for troubled young people across Sheffield. I think he seriously deserves to be heard and supported.
Ant didn’t go on about any of the awards that he’s won, but taking a quick browse through his website, it’s clear that as he mentioned in our chat, other parts of the UK have been quick to recognise his authentic passion and the inspiration he provides :
2019 Make a Difference Award
2021 National Diversity Award
2022 Points of light (Prime Minister)
2022 High Sheriff of Yorkshire
I’m looking forward to the next chapter of Ant and his team’s progress - including with their fundraising for a mobile youth club!
We are raising £20,000 for a mobile youth club to travel around South Yorkshire to engage with Young People. Not only will the MYC be packed out with fun activities, it will become a hub for knowledge on topics such as knife crime, grooming, DV, heathy eating, sexual health, mental health, substance miscue and wellbeing.
Would you like to get involved in fund raising? GET IN TOUCH.
Please Donate here: Help us to create a mobile youth club
Thanks Ant, for sharing your story, vision and mission with us - another example of someone starting with little more than an idea and energy, to creating a huge positive difference in Sheffield.
If you know an inspiring and creative Sheffielder you’d like to hear in conversation, please introduce us to them, we hope to bring many new stories to you in future editions.
Inspirational x