Here our friend Laura Kerr shares how Love Sheffield Satellite groups are intended to foster spontaneous community connection…
Love Sheffield.... Love Art..... Love Sharing
Love Sheffield Artists is one of the satellite groups within Love Sheffield. It has several hundred members and of course we often see someone's completed artwork- painting, drawing etc – as a Facebook posting. Back in January, some strange whim or compulsion led me to post a question to the group....Has there ever been a Love Sheffield Artists exhibition? I thought the answer would be no, and it was no. But also there was a strong surge of enthusiasm for the idea. OK, let's see if we can do it!
Step one for me was to research some possible venues in the city for an art exhibition. One place would have cost us two arms and two legs, at least. Another didn't respond at all. But I had a very positive response from the Circle, the HQ of Voluntary Action Sheffield, just off Division Street, so ideally placed in the city centre. Their costs are reasonable enough for a group of us to share quite comfortably.
Previous exhibit in the The Circle gallery.
Step two: recruit a good size group to take part so it is very much a community enterprise. There are 20 of us now, and we are aiming to have an art show for a whole month, from 25th October through to 16th November, at the Circle. It will be a complete mix of sizes, styles and media, as there has been no picking and choosing in order to take part. Literally, the main criterion has been enthusiasm.
Getting together to plan the event.
We will make sure there is plenty more publicity about the show through all the usual Love Sheffield channels and other media. This is already proving to be a wonderful way to use Love Sheffield as a means to come together in real life and share something we love. We are really excited about meeting each other and sharing our art with the wider community of Sheffield.
Thank you Laura! Along with my wife Karen, I'll be helping to welcome visitors to the Love Sheffield Artists exhibition throughout November, I hope we will see you there in person!
There's a full list of groups which make up our structure in our Love Sheffield Index, as a member of Love Sheffield you have automatic approval to join any of them! Why not suggest something with your group of choice?
Meetup this Wednesday 7th June
Quick reminder, we will be having our first ‘for real’ Newsletter walk and meetup at the 1554 Cafe in the Cathedral this Wednesday 7th June at 3pm. I hope we will see you there, but there will be many more meetups in the coming weeks for you to join.
Meeting this Wednesday 7th June, 3pm at the 1554 Cafe in the Cathedral for a cuppa and chat.
Love Sheffield Live Q&A every Monday 9pm
I'm really enjoying my live Q&A sessions every Monday evening at 9pm. If you pop into the Love Sheffield group on Facebook next Monday, you should see me on video and join the discussion about our vision and activities… there are some amazing things in our future that I'd love to share. Hope to see you then! Here's a recording of the session from tonight.