Hello my friends!
This is a special, early edition of our FREE Love Sheffield Newsletter to welcome you, our first 177 subscribers - this is going to be a working team effort to connect the rest of our friends in Love Sheffield and far more friends who don’t do Facebook!
So, you're a member of our fantastic Love Sheffield community, but find yourself playing hide and seek with posts or been bothered by Facebook for using the wrong word or phrase? No more! We're bringing the best of Sheffield straight to your inbox, with the Love Sheffield Newsletter.
I'm Brian Mosley, the ‘Hong Kong Phooey’ behind Love Sheffield - an expression of what I want for my city, a movement built on the principles of kindness, compassion and creativity. From a stressed out freelance engineer to a wellness coach, I've seen it all. And now, it's all about making our Sheffield friends feel closer than ever.
My role as Founder / Admin / Host of Love Sheffield.
Now, let's talk about the Facebook pickle we're in. You see, our posts have been playing hide-and-seek with you guys, often only appearing to a handful of our whopping 23,400 members. It’s not exactly the hubbub we pictured for our bustling Sheffield community, is it?
That's where this Love Sheffield Newsletter adds to the mix. Consider this your personal postie, helping us to break free of Social Media limitations, and bringing you deeper insights, authentic connection, and Sheffield love right to your doorstep.
But it's not all about the words on a page. It's about feeling a part of something bigger. So much going on around our beautiful city that we’re missing every day.
‘Secret’ Walled Garden, Hillsborough Park
That’s the Sheffield spirit we want to bottle up and deliver. We're here to turn disconnection on its head and bring you closer to the heart of our city. We're going to celebrate all that makes Sheffield shine, and we want you to be a part of it.
This is just the beginning. This newsletter is one piece of a larger puzzle. As we grow, we'll find more ways to uncover a vivid picture of Sheffield life and all the characters that make our city so special.
Grandad Fox sculpture by artist Pete McKee
And let's not forget, you, our first 177 subscribers, are leading the charge. Your support and recommendations extend our connection, and with you by our side, we're excited to see where this journey takes us.
So here's to you, to Sheffield, and to all the connections we're yet to make. Together, we'll keep the Sheffield spirit alive.
Now, we have a small favour to ask of you. If you believe in our vision of a Sheffield built on kindness, compassion, and creativity, help us extend this network. Share this newsletter with your friends, colleagues, and neighbours. Invite them to be part of our journey. Every new connection we make strengthens our city's fabric, making Sheffield an even better place to live.
Summer at last! Sheffield Cathedral
Remember, Sheffield isn’t just about the place, it's about the people. The people who care, who create, and who are committed to making a positive difference. Let's expand our circle and welcome more of these amazing individuals into the Love Sheffield community.
Let's see where this road takes us. With your help, we know it'll lead to an even more vibrant, connected Sheffield. After all, Love Sheffield isn’t just our name, it’s what we do - Uniting Hearts, Igniting Change.